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As I continue to share what the re-emergence of the Divine Feminine ways with women around me, I am by the progress of each of us surprised, as we left the greatest aspects of our mind and the Divine Feminine Wisdom. Whether in the form of a six-year-old girl stood its ground on a strawberry, or a grown woman starts fully express who she really is, the evidence is now all around me, and the world.

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"Do not call me a whore, I am a slave"
On 13 February showed hundreds of thousands of women across Italy to Piazza del Popolo to respect their right to claim more than their body. recent indictment of Silvio Berlusconi for having sex with a prostitute under the age of the catalyst was for women in Italy, many of which they have been for too long the doormat of their men to feel. And now they want the world know that they are tired of this kind of abuse, whether it comes from their husbands or the president of Italy.

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The motto was: "If not now, when?" And a banner the square of the "southern woman" read dominated ". Do not call me an escort, I am a whore" with his sister slogan "Do not call me a whore, I am a slave."
Women around the world wake up from their collective nightmare and begin to accept their sovereign dignity and self respect. Whether by the patriarchal paradigm or not, their rule is proud and too often without pity on the female species dominated responsible in its full price on this planet.

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